Is this the right course for you? See where you fit into these profiles below…

The Exercise Avoider

You absolutely hated PE at school and through your entire adult life you’ve only ever exercised when you started a new diet. Exercise has always been about shrinking yourself and punishment. You’ve moved away from dieting now but exercise still gives you the ick. In truth, you don’t even know what fitness a way from weight loss would look like but you know it exists because people bang on about it this ‘joyful movement’ thing all the time. Deep down, you know that doing some more movement would make you feel good but you’re not sure where to start.

The All or Nothinger

You’ve never really minded exercise, you might have even been ok at it through school, but somewhere it adult life it became about following the latest fitness fads and trends. The focus on your body, whether it’s being smaller, more toned or whatever…has always been attached to some extent in your adult life. This has lead to you being very all or nothing with fitness, never being able to stick to something long term. Now it feels difficult because fitness fads are becoming harder to spot and you don’t know what is misinformation and what isn’t. The ‘right’ thing seems harder and harder to find when the industry is full of fancy buzzwords and every going on about hormones.

The Overthinker

You’ve been exercising when you can through recent months and years but it’s never quite consistent. You get into the flow of doing an activity and then you read something that says you can get injured by doing x and you should totally avoid doing y. Maybe you’ve had a past injury or sometimes feel a little niggle in your knee and this makes you worried that you’re doing it wrong. This causes you to stop doing things altogether because there’s just too much conflicting information out there. As soon as you get back into your flow again, you’ll see something else that makes you overthink it.

Or maybe you’re a piece of all three?

These profiles pretty much match all the clients I’ve ever worked with and this information has helped them all.

Exercise avoiders and all or nothingers do great with the information on the unf*ck it course. The overthinker can also benefit but usually has specific questions not covered, so 1:1 coaching or snack VIP memberships work well for these people.